
What is the use of "5G+AI"?


Si Gyeongmin

Dec 14, 2021

Facing the world's largest 5G network, we can't help thinking-what role will it play? Where is its value? How will it change the mode of operation of society?

In real life, many people view 5G as a way to surf the Internet at a faster rate than 4G.

This is obviously a misunderstanding of the value and significance of 5G.

The essential difference between 5G and 4G is that it is the first communication technology standard that uses the "Internet of Things" as the main scenario since the development of mobile communication.

The high speed, low latency, and high reliability of 5G can fully meet the development needs of industrial Internet scenarios such as industrial manufacturing, energy grids, transportation ports, education and medical care, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery.

4G changes life, 5G changes society. As the latest crystallization of human communication technology, the goal of 5G is to build a digital intelligent world in which people and people, people and things, things and things are fully connected.

Through it, we will have an unprecedented ability to reach, perceive and even control everything in the world in a digital way.

Everything is a terminal. The massive amounts of data they generate can be transmitted to data centers in the cloud through 5G networks.

With the help of cloud computing and big data technology, we can store, analyze, and calculate these data.

We can also introduce AI artificial intelligence, and use powerful computing power and algorithms to perform in-depth processing of data to dig out more value.

At the same time, the cloud and AI can also issue instructions to the terminal through the 5G network for precise control and collaborative management.

5G not only realizes the flow of data, but also the flow of computing power.

The mobile edge computing (MEC) technology that accompanies the emergence of 5G is actually sinking part of the computing power resources to meet more demanding requirements such as latency.

As a highly reliable and high-quality mobile network, 5G can achieve efficient cloud/side/end data collaboration.

5G deepens the integration of connection technology with cloud, big data, AI, and other computing technologies, and thus construct the horizontal application scenarios required for the transformation of digital intelligence in the industry, such as machine vision, AGV collaborative scheduling, remote control, mobile inspection, etc.

These horizontal scenarios are combined with the characteristics of vertical industries to become industry intelligent solutions, bringing great value to the production, operation, and management of industry customers.

With the advancement of digital transformation and new infrastructure strategy, we not only have the world's largest 5G network, but also incubate a large number of "5G+cloud+AI" practical application scenarios, and land thousands of 5G toB practical application projects.

The industry standard of 5G is advancing rapidly, and the benchmarking pilot project has achieved remarkable results, laying a solid foundation for the large-scale replication of 5G.

Through the "5G+cloud+AI" capabilities, the zero-error dispatching and transportation of AGV unmanned vehicles are realized. AI is used to directly calculate the motion paths of a large number of AGVs, and the instructions are issued to AGVs through the low-latency 5G network.

The 5G positioning technology, based on the 5G indoor base station and MEC private network architecture, deploys a positioning engine locally, which can accurately transmit the location information of the factory's finished product warehouse to the storage system and associate it with the physical information.

The system improves the efficiency of loading by 50% and effectively reduces storage costs.

Nowadays, high-definition cameras take pictures of circuit boards, quickly transmit them to the cloud through 5G uplink bandwidth, and then use artificial intelligence to detect them. It only takes 6 seconds to complete the entire process, and the efficiency is greatly improved.

Finally, let's look at the steel industry.

Through AI intelligent detection, the scrap steel is graded and the quality of the scrap steel into the furnace is improved.

In addition to scrap grading, the high-manpower and high-risk tasks such as steel surface quality inspection and automatic steel transfer have been unmanned and intelligent.

Has 5G+cloud+AI realized the essential transformation from "digital manufacturing" to "digital intelligence manufacturing"?

In addition to industrial manufacturing, thousands of industries including medical and health, education, culture and tourism, banking and finance, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery can all find the "5G + cloud + AI" landing scenario, and they can also tap huge commercial value.

5G is the bearer of the digital world. AI is the engine of the digital world.

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