
The Top 10 Keyboard Shortcuts In Word And Excel That Help You Work Faster


Martin Wilson

Jul 14, 2022

On-screen shortcuts, also called Ribbon shortcuts or access keys, provide several possibilities for each command in the program using a menu-driven template. Not to fear, the existing simultaneous and combo shortcut keys are still usable. It is important to notice that the function keys are denoted by the letter "F" followed by a number (1-12).

These shortcuts can be used in any situation.

1. Undo and Redo

This list is incomplete without Ctrl+Z and Ctrl+Y: Undo and Redo, the two most commonly used keyboard shortcuts. You'll find quick links to the Ribbon on the Quick Access Toolbar. A curving arrow shows undo to the left in both Word and Excel. There are a few differences between Word and Excel regarding the Redo button.

2. Find &'' Replace

Find (Ctrl+F) and Replace (H) is essential for correcting mistakes. Word and Excel's shortcuts for Home, Find, and Find is Alt+H-F-D-F on the Ribbon.

Alt+H-R for Home, Replace is the Word shortcut for replacing. Alt+H-F-D-R (Home, Find, Replace) is the shortcut in Excel.

3. Paste/Copy/Cut

Ctrl+C (or Ctrl+X for Cut) copies and Ctrl+V pastes a paragraph using the original shortcut keys.

Alt+H-C for Home, Copy (or Alt+H-C-C for Home, Copy, Copy in Excel) and Alt+H-X for Home, Cut in both Word and Excel are the Ribbon shortcuts for these functions. You can paste it into Word and Excel by pressing the shortcut keys Alt+H-V-K or Alt+H-V-P. For example, Excel offers 14 additional possibilities for pasting, while Word provides four more.

4. Select or Select All

Ctrl+A, "Select All," is another common shortcut for cutting, Copy, and Paste operations. That is, choose the whole document, spreadsheet, or file. On the Ribbon, it's ALT+H-S-L-A-B. ' (Home, Select, All).

Even so, you don't need to go over the top. You may highlight a word in Word by placing your cursor on it and clicking twice. When you click three times on a paragraph, it will be selected. To edit a cell's content in Excel, place your cursor in the cell and click twice.

5. Print and Print Preview

To double-check margins and layout before printing, many users use Print Preview. Ctrl+P or Ctrl+Shift-F12 can be used to print. Ctrl+F2 is the shortcut for printing preview. You may use Alt+F-P for all functions on the Ribbon: Print, File and Preview.

6. GoTo

The single navigation option on the Ribbon is GoTo, which takes you to a specific cell address (such as a formula, object, region, etc.) or page (section, line, graphic, etc.). Ctrl+G or F5 creates a dialogue box that allows you to enter more information, just like the Ribbon shortcuts. Alt+H-F-D-G is the shortcut for the Ribbon commands (Home, Find, GoTo).

7. Home

The Home key in Word places the cursor at the start of the current line or row. So, if your cursor is on the third line's nineteenth Word, Home will transfer it to the start of that line. Ctrl+Home places the cursor at the document's start, represented by the Home position.

Home in Excel moves the cursor to the beginning of a line or row from the current cell address (e.g., K19). As a side benefit, it can also be used in Edit Mode to start a new line or formula in a cell. You can relocate your cursor by pressing Ctrl+Home.

8. Ctrl

Using Ctrl+Right Arrow in Word, one Word or punctuation mark at a time is moved across the document. From right to left, press Ctrl+Left Arrow to accomplish the same thing. Ctrl+Down Arrow is used to shift the cursor down one line break at a time by pressing Ctrl+Down Arrow. There's no need to press the Ctrl+Up Arrow from bottom to top. One page at a time, Ctrl+Page Down and Ctrl+Page Up move the cursor up and down the page.

The End-Arrow keys in Excel have the same effect as Ctrl+Arrow. When working from left to right or right to left, you can use Ctrl+Page Up and Ctrl+Page Down to cycle between the tabs (extra worksheets) one at a time. In contrast to Ctrl+Arrow, the End-Arrow keystroke is not performed simultaneously.

9. Shift

Using Shift-End and Shift-Home in Word will show you where the cursor is about the End of the line and vice versa. If you press Shift-End+Down Arrow, you can keep extending the highlight one line at a time. Switch-Home + Up Arrow does the same thing in the opposite direction by returning to where you started.

With Shift-Page Up, the pointer moves one screen up and one down at a time (about one-third of a page).

To move the cursor down or up a matrix or range row, press Shift-End+Down Arrow or Shift-End+Up Arrow on your keyboard. Shift-End+Right Arrow and Shift-End+Left Arrow highlight the matrix/range column from the cursor location right or left. From the cursor's position to the beginning of any row, Shift-Home highlights (with or without data).

10. End

The End key in Word is used to bring the cursor to the End of a paragraph. To include any more line or page breaks, tabs, spaces, etc., Ctrl+End brings the cursor to the document's End.

As a result, End has a wider range of duties within Excel. The cursor only advances to the End of a line while you're in Edit Mode and only if it's inside a text or formula cell. The End key is used in conjunction with the cursor keys to decide the overall spreadsheet's orientation.

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